District Policies

Governing policies express the school board’s values, their expectations about the way the school district will be run, and the end results they want district staff to work to achieve. The board is able to lead, direct, inspire, and control the outcomes and operations of the district through carefully crafting this set of policy statements and effectively monitoring them.

Governing Policies provide a logical process for the Ferndale School Board to govern effectively. The board is committed to using them to:

Any questions regarding policies, please contact the Superintendent office (360)383.9207.

Superintendent Administrative Policies

Under a policy governance model, like the one we have implemented in Ferndale, the superintendent, not the school board, is responsible for the administrative policies and procedures that describe how the school district operates. Even though these administrative policies fall under the purview of the superintendent, in most cases the law requires the board to take official action to approve and/or adopt them. When there is not a legal mandate for doing so, the superintendent generally chooses to include new or significantly changed policies for consideration on the agenda of a board meetings anyway in order to keep board members informed. New administrative policies are included either as separate items for discussion or as part of the Superintendent’s Consent Agenda.

Administrative policies are categorized into the six following areas, which have been established at the state level and are consistent throughout school districts in Washington:

1000 -- Board of Directors. Policies pertaining to School Board meetings, board member elections and governance.

2000 -- Instruction. Policies pertaining to student learning programs, school organization, and instructional requirements.

3000 -- Students. Policies pertaining to admission and attendance, rights and responsibilities, and student activities.

4000 -- Community Relations. Policies pertaining to communications with the public, public participation in schools, public access to staff and students, and relations with other agencies.

5000 -- Personnel. Policies pertaining to recruitment, hiring, employment, compensation, leaves, and benefits.

6000 -- Management Support. Policies pertaining to financial planning, revenues, purchasing, risk management, transportation, food service, school property, and capital projects.

The board’s governing policies are grouped into four categories, each serving a distinct purpose. The four categories are:

Governance Culture (GC) Policies

GOVERNANCE CULTURE (GC): These policies define the board’s own work and how it will be carried out. They clearly state the expectations the board has for individual and collective behavior.