The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible income-qualified households to manage and meet their immediate home heating and/or cooling needs.
Monthly billing is here! Level Pay is a new, convenient monthly bill payment option that helps you budget for your LADWP bill and pay off past due amounts.
The EZ-SAVE Program helps income-qualified customers kickstart their utility bill savings and qualifies them for even more savings through other city and state programs.
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A discount on electric bills are available to customers who provide verification by a state-licensed physician that a full-time member of the household has a qualified medical condition.
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LADWP offers a discount to households who use an eligible life-support device such as motorized wheelchairs, respirators, dialysis machines, and other life-support equipment.
The Lifeline Rate Program is a City of LA Office of Finance program that offers senior and disabled citizens an exemption on their electric and other utility bills.