Every business owner considering a Florida LLC should know and understand the complexities of an operating agreement.
While merely forming a Florida LLC is beneficial in and of itself, crafting a comprehensive operating agreement is key to establishing clear guidelines surrounding the ownership and operation of the entity.
Explore our responses to our 9 most commonly received questions related to Florida LLC operating agreements.
Florida law does not require that a Limited Liability Company (LLC) have an Operating Agreement. But similarly to a personal estate plan, if you don’t create one, the state essentially creates one for you!
Most lawyers will agree that having a well-drafted operating agreement is essential for the long-term success of one’s LLC as it outlines the internal workings or management structure of the entity, as well as, sets forth the rights and responsibilities of each owner. It also governs how the LLC itself will be operated.
The following are four main reasons to consult with an attorney to establish a LLC operating agreement:
It’s important to remember that, like a personal estate plan, a Florida LLC operating agreement should be revisited over time to be adjusted for changes in the business, as well as changes in the applicable Florida laws. Working alongside a trusted attorney will help avoid any unexpected consequences of an outdated agreement.
Like the majority of legal documents, when crafting an effective LLC operating agreement, one should not rely solely on online resources and forms. Seeking the aid of an attorney is imperative to maximize the chances of success of the business and the effectiveness of its operating agreement. And while drafting a comprehensive LLC operating agreement is a team effort, it’s important to consider the following when working together with your attorney:
A Florida LLC operating agreement should be drafted using clear and unambiguous language that is easy to understand for its members and third parties. A trusted attorney will also ensure that the operating agreement is in compliance with the most up-to-date Florida laws and can guide the owners accordingly.
After the LLC operating agreement is completed, then it must be provided to all members for review and, ultimately, their acceptance and signatures. While all members should retain copies of the operating agreement, best practices suggest that the LLC should be maintained and keep a copy in a safe and easily accessible location as well.
Failing to consult with an experienced and trusted attorney may lead to several pitfalls when drafting a LLC operating agreement.
Most online and DIY forms are too general for the average user’s needs and often omit provisions that are invaluable to a business owner, such as references to estate planning objectives or dissolution procedures.
Coordinating operating agreements to comply with estate plans is particularly important to small business owners and failing to do so may have unintended consequences such as having to probate an owner’s interest despite them having taken probate avoidance measures otherwise.
These provisions should also address retirement, untimely death or departure of the LLC’s members.
Similarly, failing to provide dispute resolution among the members in a clear and concise manner may lead to expensive and time-consuming litigation. Properly defining the manner in which disputes among the members are resolved may avoid detrimental outcomes for Florida LLC and its owners.
Since the purpose of the Florida LLC operating agreement is to avoid misunderstandings related to the governing and asset distribution of the LLC itself, having a clear and concise language is imperative. Ambiguities often lead to unintended conflict and lawsuits among members of the LLC. An attorney will ensure that all terms are specific and leave little need for interpretation.
Another pitfall is that failure to follow Florida state laws may lead to provisions of the Florida LLC operating agreement being deemed void. While Florida LLC laws are well established, they are subject to change and must be considered when drafting every LLC operating agreement.
Similarly, regular review and updating of an existing LLC operating agreement is imperative. Not only do laws change, but the needs and objectives of the LLC and its members may as well. These must be taken into consideration and the entity’s operating agreement should be revised as needed to reflect things such as membership changes, voting procedure changes, etc.
The most detrimental pitfall is not having a LLC operating agreement in the first place. So, to minimize any adverse and unexpected repercussions of the Florida LLC statute, it is advisable to consult a trusted attorney to assist with crafting a Florida LLC operating agreement.
Florida LLCs that are owned by only one individual are known as a single-member LLC.
Despite having only one owner, these entities also benefit from having a clear LLC operating agreement.
Aside from adding legitimacy to the LLC itself, having a single-member Florida LLC operating agreement also assists with the ongoing operation and processes of the entity, as well as provides for succession planning and dissolution procedures.
While a single-member LLC operating agreement may not be as complicated as one crafted for a multi-member LLC, it is imperative that it clearly and accurately reflects the intentions of the owner. For this reason, having a trusted attorney to help with this process is invaluable.
Much of this article has encouraged the use of a trusted attorney to assist with crafting a Florida LLC operating agreement.
This is because the risk of having unintended consequences from vague or ambiguous terms, failing to follow Florida laws or omitting important provisions entirely may lead to detrimental results for business owners, particularly those of small businesses.
While many folks feel comfortable forming their own entities, having the guidance of an attorney to address any complexities, such as drafting the operating agreement, is invaluable.
It is proven repeatedly that any time and costs spent on hiring an attorney to assist with the process are far less than the potential negative outcome of doing it alone!
A Florida LLC agreement usually refers to any of the agreements or contracts related to the formation, operation or management of a Florida LLC such as the operating agreement itself, buy-sell agreements or other contracts governing the rights of the members.
Conversely, a Florida LLC operating agreement specifically outlines the rights and responsibilities of the members, as well as, provides the procedures under which the LLC will operate. In other words, the operating agreement is a type of LLC agreement.
The Florida LLC operating agreement is an entirely different document from the LLC’s Articles of Organization.
The Articles of Organization for a Florida LLC is a legal document that is filed with the state to create the entity. Florida Statutes require specific information to be included in the Articles such as the entity’s name, address, the registered agent and the purpose of the LLC.
It is also mandated by law.
On the contrary, a Florida LLC operating agreement is entirely optional, although highly recommended. It is an internal document that is not available in public records.
While Florida statutes require certain information to be included in an LLC operating agreement, it allows the entity’s members to craft its terms that best suit their unique objectives.
As a small business owner, opening a bank account is one of the most common practical reasons to have a valid Florida LLC operating agreement.
Most banks will request a copy of the Florida LLC operating agreement and Articles of Organization to accompany the application when opening a business account.
The purpose of this requirement is to show that the LLC in fact exists and has been accepted by the state, as well as to show the list of owners and their respective ownership shares in the entity.
In Florida, limited liability companies are governed by the Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act (Florida Statutes Chapter 605).
This statute delineates the requirements for an LLC formation, operation and management within Florida.
It also provides guidance on aspects such as members’ rights and responsibilities, transfers of interest, dissolution and other matters related to LLCs.
Crafting a Florida LLC operating agreement is an important step to the successful life of any company.
Failing to consider all objectives of its owners, or skipping the process entirely, can be detrimental to a small business.
To learn more about how a trusted attorney can assist with the formation of a Florida LLC and the drafting of its operating agreement, contact us for further information or review our additional online resources.
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